
L O V E R E A R T H (2020)

Video work: 4:28 min
Exhibited at: WIP show, Royal College of Art, London, England.

“There was a time when men imagined earth as the centre of the universe. The stars, large and small, they believed were created merely for their delectation. It was their vain conception that a supreme being, weary of solitude, had manufactured a giant toy and put them into possession of it . . . Man issued from the womb of Mother Earth, but he knew it not, nor recognised her, to whom he owned his life. In his egoism he sought an explanation of himself in the infinite, and out of his efforts there arose the dreary doctrine that he was not related to the Earth, that she was but a temporary resting place for his scornful feet and that she held nothing for him but temptation to degrade himself.”

- Emma Goldman and Max Baginski1

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