Where Time is hurt Quietly

Aasiaat Local Historic Museeum, Aasiaat, Greenland
2. December 2021 - 26. January 2022

In the fall 2021, students from GUX Aasiaat, has through the course of three months photographed personally chosen places in the landscape in and around Aasiaat. The students has written speculative futuristic scenarios, which can be experienced as voice recordings in the museum. The projection shows photographs and videos, exhibiting documentations of the students visual stagings of the areas as they imagine them to appear in a 100 years. 

The photographs, props, light and sounds exhibited is created and installed by the students:
Randi Jeremiassen, Minik Tobiassen, Kera Fly, Helda Sandgreen, Minik Hinrup Johansen, Jensmine Halsøe peqatigalugit and teacher Helene Zwisler.

Light Installation
Aasiaat Museum, Aasiaat, Greenland

Staged landscapes (2021)

Randi Jeremiassen, Minik Tobiassen, Kera Fly, Helda Sandgreen, Minik Hinrup Johansen and Jensmine Halsøe peqatigalugit.